Revolution in the world through Vedic Science

After five thousand years, again in the last 150-200 years, science and technology have made unprecedented development in the world, and man’s life has completely changed. The reason for this was to know more and more the fundamental laws of physics, for which scientists worked hard day and night. Based on these laws, we have developed technology a lot, but at present, the research on these fundamental laws has almost stopped. As a result, today, no such technology is being developed which is completely safe, i.e., not harmful. The reason for this is the incomplete knowledge of the fundamental laws on which we are building the technologies.

What is the reason for not knowing these basic laws completely? Where is the mistake going on? Many such questions used to arise in the mind of Vedic scientist Acharya Agnivrat. In order to find answers to these questions, Acharya Shri not only studied the high-level texts of modern physics but also interacted with high-level scientists for a long time. Along with this, he himself studied the ancient Arsha texts deeply. In this sequence, he found that the answers to these questions are hidden in the explanatory text ‘Aitareya Brahmana‘ of Rigveda (the oldest text in the world), which no one could know in about four thousand years because they were written in the coded language. It took about 12 years for Acharya Shri to understand these code meanings, in which he took the help of more than 120 modern physics and Arsha texts.

The result of years of hard penance was that he revealed his research to the world in the form of ‘Vedic Rashmi Theory’ in June 2018. It was presented at a national seminar at the Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University. Through this theory, we will be able to know the fundamental laws of physics in such a depth that the world’s scientists could not understand in the last four thousand years. With this, many windows of exploring the universe will be opened. Moreover, with this breakthrough discovery, it will be possible to move forward towards creating an amazingly safe technology in the future. Along with this, the research on many technologies like superconductivity, quantum computing, new sources of energy, etc., will get a new direction, and some such technologies will also be developed, which we have not even imagined yet.

Apart from technology, we can know in detail the science of formation from elementary particles to stars from this theory. This principle also reveals the science of different types of forces, mysterious processes in the universe, dark energy, dark matter, space, time, etc. On the other hand, research material will be available for scientists for about a hundred years. This will save the environment, which is on the verge of destruction. Along with this, man’s way of living will change, and true human qualities will develop in him. At present, due to the absence of these qualities, the whole world is suffering from unrest, violence etc. We must be aware that the only reason for man’s decline in this world was to forget the Vedas altogether or to forget its true form. Due to this, many social problems have arisen not only in India but also worldwide. In place of one universal and eternal Vedic truth, Sanatan Dharma, different sects were born at different times. Due to this, the destruction of humanity was due to deviating from Vedas or misunderstanding it.

Only Rishi Dayanand understood this thing in this era. Still, unfortunately, the country and the world could not understand this conclusion of the sage. If there were no different sects, there would not have been ruthless killings of crores of people in the name of religion in the world. Our work will prove to be a milestone in the universal establishment of Vedic religion in place of all the false beliefs of the world. Today, there can be no better medicine in this world for the increasing religious fanaticism. Our task is to take humanity to the highest peak by establishing truth in the world without directly opposing anyone. Isn’t only this work also the incredible work in the world right now?

Today, no so-called canonist, scholar, even Vedic scholar of the world can explain God’s working mechanism and the divinity and omniscience of Vedas, but through the work of Acharya Shri, all these can be explained easily and will get amazing help in making human beings complete and true theist. By watching Acharya‘s YouTube channel Vedic Physics and reading the books ‘Ved Vigyan-Alok:’ and ‘Parichaya Vedic Bhautiki’, we have seen this change in lacs of youths. Enthusiastic interest in Vedas, Sanskrit, science, celibacy, meditation etc., is increasing among the youth. Many scientists are personally coming with us. The institutions can’t come with us because of their deep intellectual slavery, but we believe that one day we will be able to end the intellectual slavery prevalent across India. It is also noteworthy that even today, our country has not been completely free from the slavery of foreigners. The British may have gone, but we are still the slaves of the British.

Any so-called nationalist does not even notice this slavery, and if anyone does, then he has no remedy. I think that the future of the country and the world is going to be dark in many respects; surprisingly, no one is paying attention to it. Today, the whole of India is overwhelmed by the glare of western science and technology. Does it have no fear and awareness of how western science and technology is taking the world to the brink of destruction? When the so-called enlightened people of India, who are most prone to intellectual slavery, come to know that Vedic science is far ahead of Western science, they will believe in other sciences of ancient India and take pride in being freed from intellectual slavery. This will lead to the rise of a new revolutionary national self-respect in India, which is almost dead today.

Suppose anyone wants to know whether any authentic scientific institution is associated with us, then in the answer. In that case, we will only say that at the time of Rishi Dayanand, no scholar or Vedic forum or government gave any importance to his Vedic vision and his Vedas commentary, then should we consider Rishi Dayanand a failure? His revered Guru, Pragyachaksu Swami Virjanand, got tired of telling kings, but no one emphasised Arsha Vidya. In fact, any great man came into the world, he had to walk alone, and people could understand him only after the death of that great man. Today, Acharya Shri has often challenged those called the authentic institutions of science regarding their serious mistakes. Nobel Prize-winning scientists have also been overwhelmed and unanswered by him. Will such institutions then give us certificates? Will we get their support? And should we expect that? In fact, no one anywhere in the world is doing the same work as Acharya Shri, and no one has such capability. Who came to understand ‘Aitareya Brahman or the science of Vedas‘ in thousands of years? In their time, the Kauravas, who were blind in power, did not listen to Yogeshwar Lord Shri Krishna’s words. Shri Shankaracharya was also left alone. Maharana Pratap was also alone, Danveer Bhamashah sacrificed his wealth for him, the forest dwellers Bhils sacrificed their lives, then the freedom sacrifice was completed.

Even today, Acharya Shri is performing this science Yagya to liberate India from intellectual slavery, establish a true Sanatan Vedic religion globally, and bring revolutionary changes in modern physics for world peace. He is the Maharana Pratap of the present time. Now only the current Bhamashahs and countrymen have to think about what they must sacrifice in this Yagya? Or do they have to remain neutral and support western intellectual slavery? Acharya Shri has started on this path, and along with many scientists, we are all with him. Today we need the cooperation of all the countrymen, financially, morally as well as spiritually. Whoever has to sacrifice in this tremendous Vedic science and national Yagya should come along; we warmly welcome him. Otherwise, we will keep going. As much as we have the capacity, we will continue on our path of duty. If this work is stopped due to a lack of funds, it will be very unfortunate for India and the entire humanity.

Since this work is still at the theoretical level, there is still a need to develop experiments and a mathematical basis for it. Suppose the world’s top-level physical scientists and religious, virtuous capitalists understand our work and support us, then in future. In that case, the scenario of the world can be changed entirely, and even a person standing on the last level of the world can explore the possibilities of living a happy, prosperous and peaceful life. To achieve this entire objective, we need to build a larger research centre. It is important to note that many such acts of charity can be done in the world, which is very rewarding to do, but in the view of Lord Manu, there is no more worthy charity than the donation of Veda Vidya and the proper form of Veda Vidya is also Vedic Science. It will be revealed only through research.

With the hope of cooperation from all of you…

Vedic Science Kranti Dal

  1. Vishal Arya, Upacharya, Shri Vaidic Swasti Pantha Nyas (M.Sc. Theoretical Physics, University of Delhi)
  2. Br. ‘Om’, M.Sc. Mathematics (Vaidic and Modern Physics Research Institute)
  3. Br. Mahivrat Krishnaram (Vaidic and Modern Physics Research Institute)


  1. Dr Vikas Kumar Saxena (Distinguished Scientist and Former Director, Defense Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad)
  2. Dr Bhoop Singh, Trustee, Shri Vaidic Swasti Pantha Nyas (Sr. Associate Professor Physics, Bhiwani, Haryana)
  3. Dr Sandeep Kumar Singh, Trustee, Shri Vaidic Swasti Pantha Nyas (Physicist and Assistant Professor, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur)
  4. Dr Satyendra Kataria (Senior Scientist, Nanotechnology, Germany)
  5. Dr Deepesh Singh (System Lead-Aero-Acoustics-Lilium GmbH, Germany)
  6. Dr Ashutosh Kumar (Assistant Professor of Physics, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya)

‘The time has come for a new revolution in the world through Vaidic Physics.’

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