क्या उदयपुर में कन्हैयालाल हत्याकाण्ड को देश में आईएसआईएस अथवा तालिबानी क्रूरता के प्रवेश का संकेत है? आज पुलिस व न्यायालय दोनों के प्रति विश्वास डगमगाया है। अब हम सबको अपने अस्तित्व के लिए, भारत को बचाने के लिए स्वयं आगे आना होगा। संगठन केवल श्मशान वैराग्य की भाँति सिद्ध न हो जाए, बल्कि हिन्दुओं […]
Please Sign! This Petition To, Honourable General Secretary, United NationsNew York, United States of America Topic – Agenda 2030 Sir,It is requested within the above subject that by reading Vision 2030 published by the United Nations, one may initially feel that there can be no other way to make the world happy. Its vision is- We envisage […]
After five thousand years, again in the last 150-200 years, science and technology have made unprecedented development in the world, and man’s life has completely changed. The reason for this was to know more and more the fundamental laws of physics, for which scientists worked hard day and night. Based on these laws, we have […]